Hi, I am Keri Tan Garlick and I have spent years developing my lesson plans and resources. I am also a strong believer in open access because I believe the most important tool in life is education. Within my own family, I have seen it open so many doors. My family have gone from my Ah Poh (grandmother) being illiterate because girls in her village in China were not allowed to go to school to now the majority of her children and grandchildren being university-educated and living in places like the United States and New Zealand. So I want to pay it forward, I take no profit from my educational resources. I ask that you please give credit to my creations.
But if you want to buy me a coffee, you and send me a message and I'm happy to share my bank account.
This website is designed for...
Students - to provide notes, recordings of my lessons, and instructions on what to practice. Maybe you're in my class and missed my lesson or I went too fast, now you have a chance to catch up. Maybe you're not a student of mine, but your current teacher's style doesn't work for you, hopefully, this can supplement it.
Whānau - to support your children. Maybe you don't know how to help them? From my resources, you can revise material you learned in school to help them with their homework. Or at the very least, give them something to work on.
Other teachers - to provide lesson plans for you. Maybe you're a beginning teacher, a teacher who is swapping to a subject outside of their area of expertise, or you're new to the New Zealand education system. These lesson packages are ready to go as is without any alterations as they're the exact same ones I use! You can also use these lesson packages as a base and tweak it to your own personal style. But most importantly, this is to help you save time; there is no point in reinventing the wheel! For those outside their subject area, I highly recommend you also watch the videos because they will model how to explain the content.