Year 10
Futures and Finance
Futures and Finance is a 6 week course apart of the NEDGE program (numeracy) at Edgewater College. Following on from the Year 9 course, we focus on exploring opportunities, financial literacy (budgeting, saving, investing and credit), transitions, and future pathways.
If students are absent and miss a section that results in them not having data for their "My Budget" Spreadsheet, they have the option of catching up or using the provided examples.
Gross Income $48,152 (Minimum wage, 40 hours a week) with a tax of $7,465.60. Net income would be $40,686.40. (Or make up Lesson 3: Potential Careers)
Travel costs - $22.25/week. (Or make up Lesson 7: Location)
Rent - $300/week. (Or make up Lesson 6: Renting)
Water - $1224/year (Only allowed to write $0 if its included in your rent)
Power - $2287/year (Only allowed to write $0 if its included in your rent)
Internet - $80/month (Only allowed to write $0 if its included in your rent or if you have flatmates, you can divide by the number of people)
Cell phone - $25/month
Groceries - $130/week (Or make up Lesson 8: Groceries)
"Fun money" - $80/week (Or make up Lesson 9: Fun Money)
Car insurance - $1000/year for comprehensive, $500/year for third party
Pet insurance - $20/month for each cat, $100/month for each dog
Health insurance - $800/year
Dental insurance - $400/year
Renters/contents insurance - $500/year
Other things students might find interesting
Recommended Instagram Accounts to follow about finance, savings, career development, and nagivating the professional world.
If you have time, another lesson can be all about side hustles and thinking about ways they can make some extra money, such s selling their old clothes on TradeMe or using a company like Recycle Boutique or Tatty's to save time in that process. Again, provides a good chance to unpack how to price the items and what the time costs are to running the side hustle and if it's worth it for them.