General Resources
An example of a lesson showing students how to write research based reports to A/M/E. This example uses the Level 1 Microbes.
A welcome email that I send out to parents at the start of the year. Just wanted to include it because I figured other teachers would find it useful.
The Investment in Learning Log (also known as Lolly Chart) is a way for students to collect stamps/stickers for completed work. When students have a full row, I allow them to cash in for a prize, which is my classroom is an American Lolly, temporary tattoo, or larger sticker.
Students are allowed to go out of the classroom six times a term to go to the bathroom or water. Unused passes can go toward their Investment in Learning Log.
Other behavior management activities listed in the PowerPoint include:
Treasure Hunt (learning the classroom and routines)
Popcorn Activity (setting class expectations)
Behavior Beans (whole classroom management)
Class Wager (setting high academic goals)
These activities don't have a set resource, so please see/email me to learn more.
Debate Scoring Sheet is something I use when my class are doing a debate. You can either assign students to be the jury for peer marking or the teacher can do this while observing the debate.
A possible script that moderator could use and helps give an example of how to format the debate.