Learning Intention: Explore the costs of moving out of home.
Success Criteria
I can estimate my rent costs.
Learning Tasks
Brainstorm the pros and cons of each living situation.
Finding a flat with multiple bedrooms and then find flatmates to fill the extra bedrooms (aka head tenant).
Finding a flat through a flatmate wanted ad (aka you move into an existing flatting group)
Living in a one-bedroom flat or studio apartment.
Play "The Price is Right" to learn about the costs of moving out of home.
Decide where you want to live and complete the 'My Place' worksheet. Although this task is designed to be for flatting and finding stuff on TradeMe, you can adapt it to work for if you want to live in university accommodation.
Note that if you're living alone or want to be a head tenant you are searching under "rentals." If you want to join a flat, you are searching under "flatmate wanted." You should not be searching under property because you are not looking to buy a place.
Note: Answers for task #1 and #2 are in the teacher notes.