Study Techniques

Learning Intention: Explore different study techniques and find the ones that suit you.

Success Criteria

I understand how to study smart instead of study hard. 

Learning Tasks

Ms Garlick's Recommendation during Self-Testing Studying

When doing self-testing, she recommends the following technique. 

With each attempt, you should have a different colour pen or highlighter assigned to it so that way you can look back at your notes and know what you know/don't know and what you understand/don't understand.

It is recommended that when you prioritize your studying, you start with what you are struggling with the most. When using this technique, the first thing on your agenda is the last attempt because that shows not only what you don't know but also don't understand. Next, should be the second attempt material, that shows what you understand but isn't stored in your long term memory. The first attempt shows what you're already confident with and needs the least amount of revision. 

Even though it feels good to study what you know, it's not going to amount to large gains on the test because you're basically taking what would be an M6 answer to an E7. If you studied what you are struggling with, you could take an N2 answer to an M6 answer. That's a far larger point gain towards your final mark. 

Teacher Notes