
Term 4, Week 1

October 18th, 2024

Learning Intention: Define what is Diwali and explore how it is celebrated.

Success Criteria

I have identified a way for me to celebrate Diwali.

Do Now

Update your Te Arawhata Log for any absences or lates that you had this week. 

Learning Tasks

Diwali Celebration in Auckland

Free Event - Friday, October 19th and Saturday, October 20th at Aotea Square

The BNZ Auckland Diwali Festival, known as 'The Festival of Lights', draws over 100,000 attendees.

Since its inception in 2002, the festival has been a vibrant showcase, featuring traditional and contemporary music, dance, and stalls offering Indian delicacies and crafts.

Join us celebrating Diwali in Auckland with:

💃 3 Stages / Performance Zones

🍴Food Stalls

🎨Arts & Craft Retail Stalls

🧘 Free Yoga Workshops

🎆 Fireworks on Sunday Night


Teacher Notes

Reliever instructions to post onto Kamar if away

Hi Reliever, 

This weeks extended mentor lesson, the students are learning about Diwali. Please write the following on the board. 

Learing Intention: Define what is Diwali and explore how it is celebrated.

Success Criteria: I have identified a way for me to celebrate Diwali.

Do Now: Update your Te Arawhata Log for any absences or lates that you had this week. (Hopefully the mentor teacher has posted this onto Google Classroom or has printed copies of the log. If not, you can skip this step.)

Learning Tasks:

- Using School Bridge, make sure you have selected your kowhiri ākonga for Term 4 (only required for Year 9s and 10s)

- Using School Bridge, make sure you have selected your courses for 2025 (only required for Years 9s-12s)

- Watch as a class the "Diwali - Festival of Lights National Geographic" to learn what is Diwali. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap0XD2XckLo

- Watch as a class the "Ramayana: Story of Diwali" to learn the story related to this festival. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp59n0So-XE

- Play as a class the Diwali Kahoot to check your understanding. - https://create.kahoot.it/share/diwali/41db1b4d-dcf8-400c-bfbe-4a3f1b314e81 

- Practice symmetry using the Diwali Rangoli template or create your own on graph paper

- Design a mehndi and use a marker to draw on your hand or a classmate's hand.

- Puzzle - Use the Cartesian Coordiantes to create a Diwali Rangoli 

- Colour in a Rangoli Pattern