How We Treat Others
Term 3, Week 8
September 13th, 2024
Learning Intention: Reflect on how we like to be treated and how we should treat others.
Success Criteria
I have reflected on my behavior and identified one way that I can improve my treatments of others.
Do Now
Update your Te Arawhata Log for any absences or lates that you had this week.
Learning Tasks
Pick one of the What Would You Do Clips to watch as a class and discuss what happened in this situation and how people responded. If there is extra time at the end, the class is welcomed to watch more.
Get the students into groups and give each group a piece of paper. Have the students fold the piece of paper twice to make four boxes. Draw the same boxes on the board with each box having one of the following statements, "How I would like the teacher to treat me," "How I want my classmates to treat me," "How we should treat the teacher," and "How we should treat guests to our classroom - e.g. relievers". Students work in their groups to make bullet points in each box and then later, discuss as a class. The teacher should write this on the board and take a photo so it can be used as classroom expectations. Since this is being done in mentor time with core classes, it would be a good idea to send that photo to the other teachers of that core class to identify some of the student voice and expectations that they want to follow.
Mahi Choice - Watch at least 1 of the following 2 TV episodes.
Bob's Burgers - Louise comes down with the flu and falls into a wild fever dream filled with familiar faces, zany musical numbers and a crazy adventure.
The Simpsons - Bart destroys Lisa's Thanksgiving centerpiece and runs away from home when he gets punished for refusing to apologize to her.
Teacher Notes
Note this is a more teacher lead mentor lesson as we're trying to set expectations on how students should treat each other.
There's no seniors this week for extended mentor, but when reusing this lesson, this would be a good way to level it up for them.
Pick one of the What Would You Do Clips to watch as a class and discuss what happened in this situation and how people responded. If there is extra time at the end, the class is welcomed to watch more.
Think about the links, how could this article about Avondale College relates to this article on Al-Madinah School and Zayed College. Discuss as a class what that makes you think about when you think about the impact of someone's words or actions.