Whakawhanaungatanga Lesson 1
Term 1, Week 2
February 8th, 2024
Learning Intention: Connect with the members of your mentor class.
Success Criteria
I have learned something new about someone in my mentor class.
Do Now
Find someone in your mentor class that you have three things in common.
Learning Tasks
Connection Catch Up - Students share what they want to share about themselves to the class. Instead of students going through one by one in an order, the next student chooses to speak based on the connection they have from what the previous student has said. For example, if a student introduces themselves talking about their family being from Samoa, having a dog, and having 2 siblings, then the next person that speaks should also have one of those things in common. This continues until everyone in the mentor class has spoken.
All About Me - Google Form (New/Know) or Print out (New/Know)
Mahi Choice (Class Games)
Mahi Choice (Individual Tasks)
Collaborative Colouring
Pathway to Your Career (Seniors)
Teacher Notes
Addition optional step for Do Now - Have pairs share with the class what they have in common.
Task 1 - If the conversation stalls, as a mentor teacher, you can ask the class, “does anyone else have a dog?” and then use that as a bridging point for the next student to share.
Visual Extension: Can show the connections through pieces of yarn or mind map on the board between key statements, like who else is Samoan? Who else has a dog? That way they can see who in the class they have commonalities with.
Task 2 - If you are doing the All About Me through Google Form, please make a copy of the original form, otherwise you will get other classes data. Two versions have been created in case you have a new mentor class or if you already know them.
Task 3 and 4 - Up to the mentor teacher if they want their class to play a game or if they want to do some individual tasks. For Task 3, the whole class needs to be playing the same game. But for Task 4, you can let students have free range on the task they pick.
For Two Truths and a Lie, you can have students write down their truths and a lie and then later use that to create a class Kahoot to see how well students were listening.