Literacy: Writing CAA Preparation
Term 2, Week 4
May 24th, 2024
Learning Intention: Develop the skills on how to create a written text.
Success Criteria
For the literacy: writing CAA you will be assessed on your ability to write anywhere from a 150 to 350 word piece. Your piece, you should be able to demonstrate.
I can write ideas that provide information and details that are appropriate for the audience and purpose.
I can structure my ideas clearly and appropriately with a clear beginning, middle, and ending.
I can use correct language choices such as words and sentence that are appropriate for the audience and purpose.
I can write accurately, which includes spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Do Now
Update your Te Arawhata Log.
Learning Tasks
Mahi Choice
Activities to practice writing accurately
Pair up and try to identify the missing punctuation. - One person takes one unpunctuated and punctuated piece (Text 1, Answer 2) and the other takes the second set (Text 2, Answer 1). The first person reads their text and tries to identify the missing punctuation while person 2 checks their work. Once completed, swap roles.
Activity to practice writing structure - Organizing a Story
Activities to practice identifying audience and purpose
Comparing Writing Pieces from One News. Choose a topic - Sports or Environment
Activities to practice writing - Pretend you belong to an online forum where young people ask for advice. Pick one of the questions and write a 150-250 word response. Your answer should include acknowledging the problem, giving some guidance, and finishing positively. (Student Writing Exemplar)
My two best friends have had an argument and aren't speaking to each other. I feel caught in the middle. What should I do?
I can't fall asleep at night until it's really late, then I have trouble getting up in the morning to be on time. Any advice on how I can sleep better?
We moved to a new town and I'm going to start a new school next week. I won't know anyone and feel really nervous. Any advice?
Teacher Notes
Typing Practice Task - Note that after students finish the paragraph, it gives a mark based off of speed and accuracy. As a mentor teacher, you can set up a competition in the class to record that information to give prizes. The hope that if they are typing paragraph, they will note when punctuation is needed, thus in subconscious level, programming that language into their brains.