Lesson 11
Energy Transformation
Learning Intention: Process energy transformation equations.
Success Criteria
9. I can state how energy is transformed.
10. I can use the law of conservation of energy to explain energy changes.
Learning Tasks
Do Now: What does food, fuel, batteries and coal all have in common?
Copy down the notes Ms Garlick makes about energy transformation.
Level Up! Start at Level 1 and push the depths of your understanding of energy.
Level 1: For each of the following actions, identify the energy transfer that is occuring. You may have more than one energy tranformation.
Hair drier
Riding a bike
Playing piano
Nuclear power plant
Using a flash light
Level 2: Using the equation energy effiency = useful output energy/total input energy x 100, what would the energy efficiency of the toaster be if the input was 800 J but the useful energy was 520 J?
Level 3: Explain what happened to the other 280 J from the toaster? Your answer should include the law of conservation of energy.
Mahi Choice
Work on homework
Efficency Calculations Worksheet
This lesson took make Term 1, Week 11, Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 and that is when it was last updated.