Lesson 5
Rearranging Speed Equation
Learning Intention: Process when and how to rearrange the speed equation.
Learning Intention: Process when and how to rearrange the speed equation.
Success Criteria
Success Criteria
3. I can calculate the average speed.
Learning Tasks
Learning Tasks
Do Now: Take the data that you collected in the last lesson, calculate your average speed and enter it into the spreadsheet.
Copy down the notes on how to rearrange the speed equation and then complete the remaining problems from the "More Speed Calculations" worksheet.
Play a Gimkit to test your understanding of how to use the speed equation to calculate unknown variables.
Speed Table Calculations Worksheet
This lesson took place over two sessions and the latter was when it was last updated.
Term 1, Week 7, Tuesday - March 12th, 2024
Term 1, Week 7, Thursday - March 14th, 2024
Teacher Notes
Teacher Notes