Lesson 9
Scientists and their Contributions
Learning Intention: Generalize how the contributions of scientist links into understanding the life processes of microorganisms.
Success Criteria
9. I can link experimental data to explaining the life process of a microorganism.
Learning Tasks
Ms Garlick will assign you a number, which will correspond to a scientist. You will research them in pairs and then we'll do a reshuffle of the class to share what you've learned. All notes will be taken on this Google Doc.
Go down the rabbit hole either focusing the scientists mentioned above or another area. Videos below have been provided to help you explore.
Make sure you have linked how the scientist discoveries helped us understand microorganism's life processes.
This lesson occurred on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, Term 2 Week 2, which is when it was last updated.
Teacher Notes
I'm using this lesson as a whole class, so resources slightly change depending on the context of what the student is doing for the assessment. But regardless of what they are doing, they need to have a concept of cycles and relationships, cause and effect.
The water cycle activity - split the classroom into four zones based on the spheres of Earth (land, animals, ocean, atmosphere). Give different description activities to get people to move while having an image of the water cycle on the board. Then talk about how we make and simply images can result in misconspections. I have a folder for some good ones that I use with the first one being the one that the design causes misconceptions.) Just a good way to for them to think about how information is communicated.
For task #5, print the periodic table trends on A3 and then slice row-way and column-way. Some students will have rows, some will have periods. They have to look at each other's work to see the patterns. Here are the answers for teachers when use when giving notes.