Lesson 1
Space Knowledge Timeline
Learning Intention: Reflect on how science builds on itself over time.
Success Criteria
I understand how features of science influence our scientific knowledge.
Learning Tasks
In the Google Drawing, place the first three timeline cards into chronological order (oldest on the left, newest on the right).
Check the dates for those events to see if you are correct.
Now that you have some idea of time, place the other 9 cards in reference to the first 3.
Add to the timeline on the shared class Google Doc by researching an astronomy discovery and add a picture and statement. Don't include the date.
Take screen shots of what you're classmates added and include that into your Timeline Google Drawing.
Listen to Ms Garlick give notes on scientific features and how that affects our development of science ideas.
No assigned homework, use this time to work on your internal, which is due Sunday night.
This lesson took place Thursday, August 8th, 2024, Term 3 Week 3 and that is when it was last updated.