Lesson 6
Recap and Internal Prep
Whāinga/Learning Intention: Define the practical for this internal.
Paearu Angitu/Success Critera
I can plan an experiment (requirements #4-8).
I can process results (requirements 9-11).
Mahi Ako/Learning Tasks
If you were absent, watch the "Internal Practical Instructions" section of the video lesson recording.
Complete the "Osmosis" SciPad page 45.
If you were absent, watch the "Possible Graphs" section of the video lesson recording.
Continue to work on the practice practials (Dialysis and Surface Area to Volume Ratio) and tag me when work is completed to get feedback. Remember, I can't help you on the actual internal, but I can give you feedback on the practical ones, which can be used as reference for your internal.
The recording for this lesson with the instructions for the method.
Scan of the written notes
The recording for this lesson with the types of possible graphs you'll get from the results.
PowerPoint Used in Class