Lesson 8
Bond Calculations
Learning Intention: Calculate the energy change in chemical reactions looking at the bond values.
Success Criteria
15. I can link enthalpy changes with bond breaking and making of chemical bonds.
Learning Tasks
Do Now - Play vocab detective. Classify the following examples into one of two groups to find the mystery vocab words: burning a candle, making ice by putting a tray of water into the fridge, boiling water, burning sugar, activing an ice pack, cooking an egg.
Complete the sciPAD pre-learning. Remember, you don't need to complete all the pages, if fact, Ms Garlick is happy if you just read the theory. Do as much or as little that you need to do until you understand the material.
Energy Changes (page 99)
Enthalpy (page 101)
Energy Diagrams - Endothermic Reactions (page 101)
Breaking Bonds (page 103)
Changing States (page 104)
Heating and Cooling Curves (page 105)
Copy down Ms Garlick's notes on the intro to enthalpy and how to do the bond enthaply calculations. She will use the 2023 Exam Question 2a to show you how it works. (Blank copy of the 2023 Exam, 2023 Marking Schedule)
Mahi Choice
Complete sciPAD - Bond Enthalpy (pages 106-107) (Remember, you don't need to do all the questions, just want you need to until you feel confident with the material.)
Work on the No Brain Too Small Energy Collated Questions (just do the bond equations, we'll cover the next type over the next few lessons)
Work on "CPR" Quiz #5 - Bond Calculations (Answers)
This lesson took place on Thursday, September 19th, 2024, Term 3, Week 9, which is when this page was last updated.