Lesson 7
Enthalpy Calculations
Learning Intention: Process how to do two step enthalpy calculations.
Success Criteria
9. I can complete two step enthalpy related calculations that use the heat capacity of water.
A = one step of the calculation correct OR correct process with two errors.
M = correct process for calculation with one error.
E = correct answer with units and 3 sig fig.
Learning Tasks
Do Now (Day 1): Why does a chemical reaction that produces water in the gas state releases less energy than the same same reaction with water being produced in the liquid form?
Listen to Ms Garlick's notes on two step enthalpy calculations. There are three versions of this question, Ms Garlick will do the heating water example by using the 2022 Exam Question 1c (Blank 2022 Exam, 2022 Marking Schedule).
Mahi Choice
Work on following sciPAD pages. Remember, you don't need to complete all the pages or questions, just do what you need until you understand the material.
Calculating Enthalpy - Level 2 Recap (page 70)
Calculating Enthalpy - Calorimetry (page 82)
The Calorimeter (pages 83-85)
Accuracy of Calorimetry (page 86-88)
Work on No Brain Too Small Enthalpy Calculations Collated Questions (only do the heating ones)
Work on "CPR" Quiz #5 - Enthalpy Heating Calculations (Answers)
Do Now (Day 2): Week 10 Check-In. Random Question: Which is the best cut of french fry?
Listen to Ms Garlick's notes on the other two versions of two step enthalpy calculations, dissolving and neutralization. She will do this by using the 2021 Exam Question 1c (Blank 2021 Exam, 2021 Marking Schedule) and 2013 Exam Question 2b (Blank 2013 Exam, 2013 Marking Schedule).
Mahi Choice
Work on sciPAD - Enthaply of Neutralisation (pages 88-89)
Work on No Brain Too Small Enthalpy Calculations Collated Questions
Work on "CPR" Quiz #6 - Enthalpy Solutions Calculations (Answers)
Finish the two "CPR" Quizzes
This lesson took place on Friday, September 20th, 2024, Term 3, Week 9 and Monday, September 23rd, 2024, Term 3, Week 10. The latter is when this page was last updatd.