Lesson 1
Organic Intro & Drawing
Learning Intention: Explore the key features of organic chemistry.
Success Criteria
I can draw an organic molecule from a given name.
Learning Tasks
Do Now (Day 1): Complete the Week 1 Check-In. Since this is the first reflection of the term, instead of recapping last week answer either one or both of the questions: how were your holidays and/or what are you excited about this term? Random question: Is curry a soup? Justify your answer.
Vocab Detective - The following organic molecules can be grouped in two different ways. Try to figure out the two methods of grouping them to find the mystery vocab words. (Answer)
Complete the Level 2 Chemistry Scipad pages on Types of Formula and Drawing Alkanes as your pre-learning.
Do Now (Day 2): Study using Quizlet: Functional Groups (L3 Chemistry). We will play the Quizlet Live once Ms Garlick finishes the roll.
Work a bit more on the Level 2 Chemistry Scipad pages on Types of Formula and Drawing Alkanes as your pre-learning.
Copy down the notes Ms Garlick makes on the introduction to organic chemistry.
Finish the Level 2 Chemistry Scipad pages on Types of Formula and Drawing Alkanes as your pre-learning.
Finish SciPad pages
This lesson took place on Monday, April 29th, 2024 and Tuesday, April 30th, 2024. The latter is when this page was last updated.