Lesson 3
Galvanic Cells
Learning Intention: Theorize what are galvanic cells.
Success Criteria
6. I can explain observations with linkage to specific chemicals in a redox reaction.
7. I can calculate the E Cell.
9. I can identify the reactant and product for an oxidation and reduction reaction in a galvanic (electrochemical) cell.
10. I can explain how I identified oxidation and reduction in a galvanic (electrochemical) cell using standard reduction potential.
11. I know that a galvanic (electrochemical cell) produces energy.
12. I can justify why galvanic (electrochemical) cells release energy with linkage to the E Cell calculation and standard reduction potential.
Learning Tasks
Do Now (Day 1): Complete the Week 8 Check-In. Random question: Which celebrity would you like to meet in real life?
Complete some pre-learning by working on the galvanic section of the ESA.
Set up a galvanic cell.
Do Now (Day 2): What are some key set up differences between the galvanic and electrolytic cells?
Copy down Ms Garlick's notes on galvanic cells.
Play Gimkit to check your understanding on how to identify the oxidation half and reduction half in a galvanic cell.
Continue doing practice problems on the galvanic cell assessment style template. (Note you can easily make any question by simply taking a metal and it's cation.)
Do Now (Day 3): Complete the Week 9 Check-In. Random question: When you put on your shoes, is it sock sock shoe shoe or sock shoe sock shoe?
Copy down Ms Garlick's notes on the E material for galvanic cells.
Watch the video: Why Phone Batteries like the Note 7's Explode?
Play Gimkit again because if you can't assign the oxidation and reduction reactions correctly, you won't be able to get an achieved.
Continue doing practice problems on the galvanic cell assessment style template. (Note you can easily make any question by simply taking a metal and it's cation.)
Galvanic Cells ESA Questions and Assessment Style Galvanic Questions
This lesson took place over multiple sessions and the latter is when this page was last updated.
Teaching Lessons
Term 1, Week 8 - Monday, March 18th, 2024
Term 1, Week 8 - Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
Term 1, Week 9 - Monday, March 25th, 2024
Other Lessons
Term 1, Week 9 - Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 was used as a study session.
Term 1, Week 10 - Friday, April 5th, 2024 was used to do the 1st attempt of the galvanic section of the redox internal & comparison write-up.
Term 1, Week 11 - Monday, April 8th, 2024 was used for feedback.
Term 1, Week 11 - Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 was used as the 2nd attempt of the galvanic section of the redox internal & comparison write-up.