Lesson 1
What is Matter?
Learning Intention: Theorize what is matter.
Success Criteria
1. I can define the properties of matter and what it is made of.
Learning Tasks
Do Now - Write the answer to the following questions in your notebook.
How would you describe matter?
How would you describe what makes up matter?
Piece of paper thought experiment on the atom.
Use the Learn Genetics website to get an idea of the size of the atom.
Copy down Ms Garlick's notes on matter.
Let's Play Atom Says - It's like Simon Says, but focused on the states of matter and you are the atoms.
Solid - linked arms together (whole class)
Liquid - hold hands and do the wave (at least in pairs)
Gas - run around separate from each other
Can be yelled as states (e.g. Atom says, "Solid")
Can also be yelled as changing states (e.g. Atom says, "Melt")
Only change states if Atom says so
Last one to the state or who doesn't follow Atom says, is out and helps Atom catch those that make mistakes.
Email Ms Garlick the answer to the following question.
Who (2 people) came up with the first idea of the atom and when did that happen?
This lesson was used on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, Term 3 Week 3 and that is when it was last updated.
Teacher Notes
Task 2 is a thought experiment where students take a piece of paper and cut it in half. They then take one half of that piece of paper and cut that in half. They keep repeating that until they can't cut the paper any more. This is the first idea humans had about the concept of what made up matter, which is the atom (atomos).