Lesson 4
Atomic Structure Revision
Learning Intention: Reflect on your understanding about the periodic table and atomic structure.
Success Criteria
Revise success criterias #2-8 from lessons 2 and 3.
Learning Tasks
Do Now: Collect one of the Show Me Boards. You will just need the white board marker from the pack, but keep the whole pack so you can return it later.
Using the Periodic Table, either play Battle Ship or Guess Who.
Battle Ship Rules
Place down the following size ships on the periodic table either horizontal or vertical (you can’t do diagonal) by creating a box around the elements. One 5 element size, one 4 element size, two 3 element size, two 2 element size. Ships cannot be placed in the lanthanide or actinide series.
Take turns calling out ship locations based on period (row) and group (column). If someone hits your ship, say, “hit” and put an X on the section they knocked out. If no ship is there, tell them “miss.”
To keep track of what locations you’ve called, do a dot for missing and tick for hits.
Rules for Guess Who
Circle one element on the periodic table.
Take turns asking yes or no questions to find the person’s selected element. For example, you can ask, “Does your element have an even number in it’s atomic number?” “Does your element have the letter C in its symbol?”
Put dots on any element that isn’t the correct answer, so you can narrow it down to the one element.
Email Ms Garlick the answer to the following question.
Which New Zealand scientist contributed to the structure of the atom?
This lesson was used on Thursday, August 15th, 2024, Term 3 Week 4 and Tuesday, August 20th, 2024, Term 3 Week 5, the latter is when it was last updated.