Lesson 9
Flame Test
Learning Intention: Define how to identify when chemical reactions have taken place.
Success Criteria
11. I can explain when a chemical reaction has occured.
13. I can write a symbolic equation and balance it.
14. I can explain conservation of mass.
Learning Tasks
Do Now: Categorized the following reactions as a chemical or physical change: cutting an apple, baking a cookie, lighting a match, freezing water, burning a candle, dissolving sugar into water.
Copy down Ms Garlick's notes on chemical vs physical change.
Now we will do flame tests to help us understand chemical change.
Ms Garlick will walk you through the steps and before we test each ionic substance, you need to copy down the name and identify the ionic formula, which will checked by Ms Garlick. She recommends that you use the ionic compound simulation to help you figure out the ionic ratios.
Then you will get to burn it and you will need to copy down the colour seen.
Lithum chloride (Li+ and Cl-)
Potassium chloride (K+ and Cl-)
Strontium chlordie (Sr2+ and Cl-)
Sodium chloride (Na+ and Cl-)
Sodium carbonate (Na+ and CO3^2-)
Calcium carbonate (Ca2+ and CO3^2-)
Calcium chloride (Ca2+ and Cl-)
Copper sulfate (Cu2+ and SO4^2-)
Copper chloride (Cu2+ and Cl-)
Barium chlordie (Ba2+ and Cl-)
Do Now (Day 2): Write a paragraph explaining why the burning of hydrogen gas with oxygen gas to make water is a chemical change, but boiling water is a physical change.
Finish up task #2.
Identify any connections that you've noticed betten the names of the chemicals and the colours they burnt. (e.g. did all the chlorides burn the same colour.)
Email Ms Garlick the answer to the following question.
Based on the practical, what chemicals would you need to make a green firework?
This lesson was used on Tuesday & Thursday, September 17th & 19th, 2024, Term 3 Week 9, with the latter being when this page was last updated.
Teacher Notes
To learn the difference between a chemical and physical change, we will play a Kahoot. - Replace the Do Now with this activity. I already it in the last lesson as a time filler, thus why the change.
Next time, do fewer ionic compounds and just this as one lesson. Students lost steam in the second one.