Lesson 8
Butane Combustion
Learning Intention: Explore the concept of conservation of mass.
Success Criteria
11. I can explain when a chemical reaction has occured.
12. I can write a word equation.
13. I can write a symbolic equation and balance it.
14. I can explain conservation of mass.
Learning Tasks
Do Now - Take out your device and open back up the Bunsen Burner Flame Observation Google Doc from Lesson 7.
Today, we will work out way through the butane combustion reaction using Moly Mods. Ms Garlick will give instructions for each step. While doing this activity, you will be able to fill in the last section of the Bunsen Burner Flame Observation Google Doc.
Copy down Ms Garlick's notes on the conservation of mass.
Email Ms Garlick the answer to the following question.
Which scientist discovered the conservation of mass?
This lesson was used on Wednesday, September 10th, 2024, Term 3 Week 8 which is when this page was last updated.
Teacher Notes
The self discovery (task 2) really didn't work this time around. Too difficult for them to see the pattern. Need to make sure they take notes as they didn't keep the information when we did the game.