Lesson 5
Learning Intention: Compare structural and geometric isomers and the requirements to make each.
Success Criteria
4. I can draw and explain what causes structural isomers and classify them into primary, secondary, and tertiary.
A = Define & draw/name isomer
M = Explains
5. I can draw and explain the requirements for geometric isomers.
A = Draw correct structure, gives one requirement
M = explains 1/2 requirements
E= explains both requirements and links them together.
Learning Tasks
Listen to Ms Garlick give notes on structural isomers.
Complete the following sciPAD pages as your pre-learning. Remember, you don't need to complete all the sciPAD pages, just do what you need to until you feel confident.
Structural Isomers - Alkanes (page 15/143)
Cyclic Alkanes (page 16/144)
Classifying Haloalkanes (24/152)
Classifying Alcohols (page 61/189)
Listen to Ms Garlick's notes on structural (constitutional) isomers. She will use the 2023 Question 3c as the foundation to teach these notes. (2023 Marking Scheme)
Complete the following sciPAD pages as your pre-learning. Remember, you don't need to complete all the sciPAD pages, just do what you need to until you feel confident.
Structural Isomers (Alkenes) (page 32/160)
Geometric (cis-trans) Isomers (page 33/161)
Drawing Alkenes (page 34/162)
5. Listen to Ms Garlick's notes on geometric isomers. She will use the 2023 Question 3b as the foundation to teach these notes. (2023 Marking Scheme)
Need more help? Here's a good isomer summary from No Brain Too Small.
6. Work on the No Brain Too Small Isomer Collated Questions.
7. Complete "CPR" Quiz #1 - Structural Isomers (Answers)
This lesson was used for three sessions. Recommended timeline of work.
Day 1 - Tasks #1-2
Day 2 - Tasks #3-4
Day 3 - Tasks #5-7
This lesson was used on Thursday, August 29th, 2024 Term 3 Week 6 to Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, Term 3, Week 7. The latter is when it was last updated.
Teacher Notes
Removed for this year, but next year, add the organic vocab detective after task 1 so students can see the pattern with the groups and the functional groups.