Lesson 8

Addition Reactions

Learning Intention: Process how addition reactions fit into the reaction scheme and can link in Markovnikov's Rule when needed.

Success Criteria

7. I can identify and explain the different types of reactions: addition, elimination, substitution, and oxidation.

A = Identified 

M = Explain

Understanding substitution reactions will help you with...

8. I can explain why two products form from addition reactions in alkenes using Markovnikov’s Rule.

A = Identify products

M = Explain why two products form using Markovnikov’s Rule and links it back to the example provided.

10. I can fill in a reaction scheme. 

A = Complete some of the reaction scheme

M = Completes most fo the reaction scheme

E = Completes all of the reaction scheme

Learning Tasks

This lesson was used on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 Term 3 Week 8, which is when this page was last updated.

Teacher Notes