Lesson 5
Lewis Structures
Learning Intention: Complete the steps to draw a Lewis Structure of a molecule.
Success Criteria
9. I can draw and recognize Lewis structures of simple molecules.
Learning Tasks
Do Now - Which two types of solids are only made of non-metals and how would you tell the difference between then on the assessment?
Use the two Javalab website links to make CH4, CO2, H2O, and NH3. - Covalent Bonds of Hydrocarbon & Covalent Bonds Please note that you can only make CH4 with the first Javalab. Each time you learn something new, write it Ms Garlick's piece of paper to show on the screen.
Copy down Ms Garlick's notes on Lewis Structures.
Mahi Choice
Complete the following sciPAD pages to practice. Remember, you don't need to do all the questions, just want you need to until you feel confident with the material.
Drawing Lewis Diagrams of Molecules (pages 42-43/44-45)
More Lewis Diagram Practice (page 44/46)
Lewis Diagrams with Double and Triple Bonds (page 45/47)
Work on Practice Questions generated on Tara Iti by Lian Soh.
Play Lewis Structure Card Games
Game #1
Separate the formula cards from the Lewis structure cards.
Shuffle each set.
Lay the formula cards down on the table.
Place the matching Lewis structre card on top.
Game #2
Using the pre-marched ards from the first game, start with the desk upside down.
Make sure you have the cards set up correctly. The first card that you turn over should be a formula card and the second should be it's Lewis structure answer (since they are already matched from the previous game).
Play a game of verus with yoru partner/group. Flip the first card over and everyone draws the Lewis structre for that formula.
Then, when you think you have the right answer, flip over the next card to check.
If you are right, you keep both cards. But if you're wrong, they go to your opponent(s). (If playing in pairs, your opponent gets both, in playing in a group of 3, each other opponent gets one card).
The one with the most cards at the end wins.
Finish what you need to for the sciPAD pages or Tara Iti website to feel confident
This lesson took place on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, Term 3, Week 8, which is when this page was last updated.
Teacher Notes
Lewis Structure cards are to be printed double sided on card. It is recommended to use a different colour of card for each set so that way you can tell which set is which. Note these are only for the Level 2 simple molecules.