Lesson 1
Redox Intro
Learning Intention: Define oxidation and reduction and how to identify them in redox reactions.
Success Criteria
I can define oxidation and reduction. (A)
2. I can identify which half of a reaction is oxidation and reduction. (A)
4. I can balance half equations. (M)
5. I can explain oxidation and reduction linking back to the specific gain/loss of electrons. (M)
Learning Tasks
Do Now - Week 5 Check In. No need to recap what you learned last week, since it was an assessment week. Instead, just update Ms Garlick in how you're doing. Random Question: Would rather have a personal maid or personal chef?
Complete the following sciPad pages as your pre-learning.
Introduction to Redox Reactions (page 98)
Half Equations - Simple Electron Transfer (page 99)
First, scan paper a nail to remove any rust. Then, take a small beaker and put an iron nail into it and cover half of it with copper sulfate.
Copy down Ms Garlick's notes as she starts doing some of the achieved and some merit requirements on the assessment template. (Blank Assessment Template)
Finish any incomplete sciPad pages.
This lesson took place on Friday, August 23rd 2024, Term 3 Week 5 and that is when it was last updated.