Lesson 2

Redox Justification

Learning Intention:  Justify if a redox reaction has occurred using electron transfer, equations and observations. 

Success Criteria

1. I can define oxidation and reduction. (A)

2. I can identify which half of a reaction is oxidation and reduction. (A)

3. I can explain how I identified oxidation and reduction by linking it back to observations. (M)

4. I can balance half equations. (M)

5. I can explain oxidation and reduction linking back to the specific gain/loss of electrons. (M)

7. I can balance full redox equations. (E)

Learning Tasks


Continue to do practice write ups on the assessment template

This lesson took place on Friday, August 23rd, 2024, Term 3 Week 5 and Monday, August 26th, 2024, Term 3 Week 6 and the latter is when this page was last updated. 

Teacher Notes