Lesson 1
Futures and Finance Intro
Learning Intention: Build relationships with people in our class and learn Ms Garlick's routines and expectations.
Success Criteria
I can state one new thing that I learned about someone in our class.
Do Now
Make a name tag with 3 images that represent you. (If you don't feel like drawing, you can write down three facts.)
Learning Tasks
Make observations and inferences about Ms Garlick from the pictures above.
Listen to the available classroom jobs and put in an application if you want one.
Complete the Budget Word Find and define 5 words that you don't know from that list (page 2).
Teacher Notes
Do Now - Make sure to walk around a chat with them when they're making their name tags. It's a good chance for them to feel seen as individuals and to build that relationship. I also take the role when I'm chatting with them and making sure I'm pronouncing names correctly.
Task 1 - Obviously if for another teacher, please replace Task 2 with however you want to introduce yourself. I do like the observations vs inferences because it's a nice skill set for them to practice (science teacher hat on) and it helps flip it to being student-focused as I go around the groups and ask them what they think they can tell about me from the photos.
Task 3 - For students that you give jobs to, here is a document with contracts and rejection letters.