End of Year Activities
Term 4, Week 6 & 7
November 22nd & 29th, 2024
Learning Intention: Reflect on the year and have some fun.
Success Criteria
I have celebrated something about this year and done something fun with my mentor class to keep building our relationships.
Do Now
Update your Te Arawhata Log for any absences or lates that you had this week.
Learning Tasks
Mentor Teachers, please pick what activities you find best for your core class to fill the last two extended mentor lessons.
Reflection Activities
Complete the 'Capabilities Evidence' tab on your Graduate Profile Student Tracking Google Sheet or the 2024 Favourites EC Values Worksheet.
Each member of the class writes a 'memory that sticks' onto their section of the catcus, which should also be decorated. Then, share these memories as it is attached to the 2024 catcus. (Requires Teacher Leadership)
Advice for the next year...
For Year 9s - Colour in and write a letter to a new year 9 student that will be joining Edgewater College next year to share you experience and advice.
For Year 10s - Write a letter to a Year 9 student that is your friend, giving advice on how to survive Year 10.
Take a piece of refill and write a letter to your future next year's self as a time capsule activity that you will be able to read at the start of next year.
End of the Year Conversation Cards (only use questions 1-20) - Each student picks one card and shares their answer with their mentor class.
Creative Activities
Colour in and write a thank you card for one of your teachers or a friend to show your gratitude for their support this year.
Christmas Cards Ideas - Popup Card or Weaving Card
Create some photo booth probs themed around summer, Christmas, New Year's, and/or end of year so your mentor class can do some selfies with them!
Origami Activities (Use memo paper because it's already a square!)
Daffodil Instructions (you could make a few and then give a friend or teacher a bouquet)
Toliet Paper Rolls Crafts
Beanie Hat Ornament - Instead of the tissue paper in the centre, you can put a round chocolate like Lindt or make it into a gnome.
Monday Mandala Colouring Pages - They have a whole range of different themes and pop culture references
Make a Mini Year Book - Decorate the outside and have your classmates sign the inside as a keepsake for this year. (You can also use an A3 piece of paper if you want a slightly larger year book)
Each student decorates an Elf Hat and take a class photo with them on.
Make Christmas Crackers and fun stuff home to fill it and bring it to the next mentor lesson so you can crack it with your classmates.
Find 27 Figures of Speech in the Illustration by Ella Baron
Group Activities (Require Teacher Leadership)
Have a Reuse White Elephant Party - Each student brings in a wrapped second hand item from home they no longer want or a homemade gift. Here are the rules to a White Elephant Party. Then let the gift-stealing begin!
Classroom Awards - Assign each student to anonymously have another member of the mentor class to create an award for. They should create this award on a piece of paper or online. The teacher should collect all the awards and the following week, there host an award ceremony. (Here are some ideas students need help.)
Snowball - Each student should write one descriptive factor about themselves, one positive thing that happened for them this year, and one thing they are proud of for this year. Then crickle them up and have a few minutes as a snowball fight. Next, each student picks up a snowball and the class tries to guess whose snowball it is.
Games (Require Teacher Leadership)
Scavenger Hunt - Your mentor teacher will create a list of items and/or photos requirements.
Cultural Games
Being a Mindful Person - Revisit one of our past lessons
Teacher Notes
Make sure to read through the creative activities as some might require some extra material like yarn. FYI, there is a bag of toliet paper rolls in the workroom in a yellow bag, free for anyone to take.
Be mindful of using any Christmas activities in class as not everyone celebrates Christmas. If you are doing one of those activities, it is suggested that you do have a non-Christmas activity to run along side it to be culturally responsive.
I'm also mindful at this time of year, the printing budget it also tight, so there's a lot of activities that either don't require printing or can be projected onto the board to save paper.
The reflection activity task #1 is designed to help member teachers do the EC values for their mentor class reporting if they are not sure how to mark their students.
Group activity task #1 - If you are going to do the White Elephant, it is recommended that you bring in extra gifts and wrapping paper in case students don't bring in an item so they can still participate.
Games task #2 - here is a website to give you ideas on what you can include on the scavenger hunt. Please be mindful to email out the staff if your class is going to be outside in case they are noisy.
Please note that if you're picking any
Activites that are good to leave with a reliever. Please make sure you pick some work and not set all this work. If you're away for both Fridays, please make sure you set different activities for each Friday.
Capabilities Evidence' tab on your Graduate Profile Student Tracking Google Sheet or the 2024 Favourites EC Values Worksheet.
Advice for the next year...
For Year 9s - Colour in and write a letter to a new year 9 student that will be joining Edgewater College next year to share you experience and advice.
For Year 10s - Write a letter to a Year 9 student that is your friend, giving advice on how to survive Year 10.
Colour in and write a thank you card for one of your teachers or a friend to show your gratitude for their support this year.
Create some photo booth probs themed around summer, Christmas, New Year's, and/or end of year so your mentor class can do some selfies with them!
Origami Activities (Use memo paper because it's already a square!)
Daffodil Instructions (you could make a few and then give a friend or teacher a bouquet)
Make a Mini Year Book - Decorate the outside and have your classmates sign the inside as a keepsake for this year. (You can also use an A3 piece of paper if you want a slightly larger year book)
Each student decorates an Elf Hat and take a class photo with them on.
Make Christmas Crackers and fun stuff home to fill it and bring it to the next mentor lesson so you can crack it with your classmates.