Lesson 2
Size and Scale
Learning Intention: Imagine the size of the universe and existence of time.
Success Criteria
TBC - Still working on the success criteria.
Learning Tasks
Do Now: Take a guess in the Size of It: Image Sort.
Check your answers by watching Universe Size Comparison video.
Ms Garlick is going to draw a yesterday's timeline on the board. Discuss the following two questions.
Is it better to have an equal step when creating a timeline or should you space them out based on the amount of time?
Why do you think so much of what we understand is clustered to more recent time, aka why are there such large gaps?
Thinking about the universe size comparison video, what resources do you think we needed to have in order to learn about the universe?
Watch the first episode of Cosmos to understand the scale of the universe and time and complete questions on the worksheet to find the mystery quote.
Which country sent the first man into space, what was the name of that man and what year did that happen?
To cut down on printing, at the end of each lesson, Ms Garlick is going to ask a question. Take a picture of this question, research it at home, and write your answer on a piece of paper to glue into the back of your book for the next session.
This lesson took place Thursday, May 23rd, 2024, Term 2 Week 4 and that is when it was last updated.
Teacher Notes
Ideally for next time, I want to better plan out lessons 1 and 2 so they cut better. They're not well defined.