Lesson 3
Moon Landing
Learning Intention: Evaluate if we really landed on the moon.
Success Criteria
TBC - Still working on the success criteria.
Learning Tasks
Do Now (Day 1): Ms Garlick is going to draw two different versions of the timeline activity from last week on the board. What are the pros and cons of each version?
Research evidence suggests we didn't really land on the moon and add it to the shared Evidence We Didn't Land on the Moon Google Doc.
Watch the EdPuzzle: MythBusters episode on the moon landing. After each myth analysis, write 1-2 sentences in your book accessing if the collected data is verifiable and if they've made accurate scientific conclusions.
Do Now (Day 2): Discuss why you think the shadows change size and direction throughout the day.
Copy down the answers to the do now to understand how light works.
Continue watching the EdPuzzle: MythBusters episode on the moon landing. After each myth analysis, write 1-2 sentences in your book accessing if the collected data is verifiable and if they've made accurate scientific conclusions.
Rabbit Hole Mahi Choice - Pick one of the topics below to go down the rabbit hole to learn more about how social and cultural factors influence scientific development. You will need to share with your classmates what you learned, so to help keep you organized, record and summarize three sources that you looked at with this Google Doc. The topics you can choose from are:
How the Cold War influenced the Space Race
How true is the Hidden Figures Story? - Looking at racism and sexism in science.
Conspiracy Theories - Why do people believe them?
When was the last time man walked on the moon?
To cut down on printing, at the end of each lesson, Ms Garlick is going to ask a question. Take a picture of this question, research it at home, and email your answer to her.
This lesson was used all of Term 2, Week 5, Tuesday, May 27th and Thursday, May 30th, 2024. The latter date is when this webpage was last updated.
Teacher Notes
Ideally for next time, I want to better plan out lessons 1 and 2 so they cut better. They're not well defined.