Lesson 7
Bunsen Burner
Learning Intention: Explore the properties of a bunsen burner.
Success Criteria
11. I can explain when a chemical reaction has occured.
12. I can write a word equation.
13. I can write a symbolic equation and balance it.
Learning Tasks
Do Now - Copy the equation down and identify the errors. (Answer)
na+ + O2- = NA2O
Open up the Bunsen Burner Flame Observation Google Doc and complete the first task, reordering the sentences.
Turn on the gas
Bring the gas lighter up to the side of the bunsen from the bottom to the top
Attach the gas tap and close the airhole
Place the bunsen burner on the brown burning board
Light the gas striker
Collect your bunsen, check the air hose for cracks
Follow the instructions and light the bunsen burner, then note down your observations and answer the questions.
Listen to the example and then finish fixing the word, unbalanced, and balanced equations.
Listen to the example and then finish counting the atoms.
Email Ms Garlick the answer to the following question.
Who designed the periodic table that we use today?
This lesson was used on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, Term 3 Week 7 which is when this page was last updated.
Teacher Notes
The self discovery (task 2) really didn't work this time around. Too difficult for them to see the pattern. Need to make sure they take notes as they didn't keep the information when we did the game.