Lesson 6

Moon Phases

Learning Intention: Relate the phases of the moon to its relationship to the sun and earth. 

Success Criteria

9. I can compare the phases of the moon with reference to amount of light and relative positions of the moon, earth, and sun. 

A = Identifies facts about the moon phases (e.g. cause, positions of sun/earth/moon)

M = Explains some phases

E = Full justification

10. I can explain the rise and set of the moon in reference to its orbit relative to the sun and earth's spin.

M = explains different rising time, no linkage

E = full justification with linkage to time examples provided

11. I can explain why the moon phases is 29.5 days but the moon's orbit around the earth is only 27.3 days.

A = identifies difference in moon phases vs orbit time

M = explains the reason for the difference

Learning Tasks

This lesson was used for three sessions. Recommended timeline of work. 

Day 1 - Tasks #1-3

Day 2 - Tasks #4-6

Day 3 - Task #7

This lesson took place from Thursday, August 29th, 2024, Term 3 Week 6 to Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, Term 3 Week 7. The latter is when this page was last updated.

Teacher Notes