Lesson 4
Learning Intention: Reflect on your qualities and skills to be able to write your CV.
Success Criteria
5. I can write a paragraph that could be used for my CV or cover letter.
Do Now
Use the image in your workbook to answer the following questions about the payslip.
What is his income before tax?
What is his tax?
What is his take-home income?
Learning Tasks
Complete the "Finding Your Career" (page 8) using https://www.careers.govt.nz. If you're under sure of what career you might want, sign up and complete their Career Quest Survey or search on the careers website for jobs related to your interest (e.g. search sports or photography.)
Once you have the information for your career, enter the gross pay, tax (PAYE) and net pay onto your "My Budget" (page 35).
Reflect on your qualities and skills by completing pages page 10-11 in your workbook.
Use that to then write a CV on page 12.
Teacher Notes
With the leftover of the last task from Lesson 3, this lesson takes to sessions to complete.