Lesson 7
Learning Intention: Identify a potential job and location you'd like to live and research the commute costs.
Success Criteria
7. I can identify how much time and money it will cost me to get from my home to a job.
Do Now
Match the vocab words to their definitions on the Pay Day Puzzle.
Learning Tasks
Condiment Choice
1. Must-DO
Find a place to live (page 17) and add the rent to your budget (page 35).
Estimate your travel costs (page 21) and add it to your budget (page 35).
You will need the suburb of the rental you found in the last lesson.
Then, find a place to work based on your selected career on Google Maps (e.g. search hospitals or GPs practices if you want to be a doctor) or Seek (better if you have a job like engineer).
Use Google Maps to calculate the distance and travel time between work and home.
Use the AT website to calculate the cost of public transportation.
2. Ketch-UP
Find your career (page 8) and add the income information to yoru budget (page 35).
Any lessons you don't have a stamp for.
3. SoYou Finished Early - Mick from the Mahi Choices
Pick a worksheet from Ms Garlick's extension folder.
Give filling in a job application a go! Apply for a job at somewhere like KFC, McDonald's, Pakn'Save etc to see the process.
Look up ways to save money by checking out the following resources.
First Table (website)
Wonky Box (website)
Food Print (app)
Check out these Instagram accounts
Websites you'll need for the "Transport Costs" worksheet.
Condiment Choice
Teacher Notes
Again, feel free to replace the Do Now if you don't want to do a Weekly Check-In. A shortened version of the Pay Day Puzzle would be good. (Answers)
Print out two copies of the "Location Location Location" Worksheet per student. Label one clearly as "Teacher Example" and the other as "Yours" before photocopying.
Task 2, again feel free to use my example or again to build those connections, use the place you live and your place of employment. It is important that when you're doing the example show them the idea of the process. Like using Google Maps to figure out the distance and time for their commute and AT website. Don't need exact addresses, you can do a rough estimate from a key location in the suburb.
When students complete this for themselves (Task 3), they will need to use Google Maps to help them get an idea of suburbs to live in. Granted, some of them might already know where they want to live based on being close to family or areas they know they like of Auckland. For their pretend job, they can use Google Maps or Seek. For example, if they want to be a vet or doctor they can look for clinics in Auckland. It doesn't necessarily need to have a job opening. For others, like those wanting an IT job, students should use Seek instead to get an idea of where these employers are. It's just really to give them an idea of the cost of a commute, both time and money. It's important to discuss with students that financial choices are just made based on money, but also the time cost. From this activity, they might find that they will want to change where they live or work or even their career.